Get qualified faster

The Assessment Centre collects training data and provides actionable insights - saving teachers time by delivering focused support.

Give students the help they need to succeed

As students practice and test their skills, their performance is automatically captured and streamed to the Assessment Centre - an easy-to-use web-based tool.

Teachers can quickly review student performance, gain unique insights into areas where more support may be required and provided more focused support.

A graph showing training frequency

Take the guess work out of guidance

Students are presented with consistent but unpredictable challenges ensuring their knowledge is effectively tested and assessed.

Missed steps or incomplete training can be quickly identified to help students complete their training.

A self-service tool to easily manage your students

The Assessment Centre is your portal to effectively manage students, including enrollment and reviewing students' training progress.

Virtual Reality provides a unique opportunity to gain new insights into understanding students' readiness, using quizzes and assessment features where students can undertake self-assessment when they feel ready to evaluate their learned skills.

A visual dashboard of training statistics for users
A list of users certified based on training results

Quality and Control

To support your quality program, Assessment Centre lets you follow the exact progress and status for each individual and the required skillsets. All statistics are automatically collected throughout the training / certification, making Assessment Centre a single source of truth for reporting to authorities or other stakeholders.

Whether it's for external, internal or individual needs, the training and certification results are clearly visualised and accessible.

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Try out Overhead Crane Academy for yourself

Book a time with us today to find out how Virtual Reality training is changing the way we will work tomorrow.